Saturday, January 16, 2010

2010 goals

1.  Blog more.  The good and the bad.  I stole this idea from Amber and I think it is such a good idea!  I want to blog about the bad and frustrating stuff too - not just the good.  Makes me more real I think.  I read a lot of blogs, and sometimes I feel like I am the only one who gets frustrated with life or has a bad day, because all I read about is the positive stuff.  So when I am frustrated with my darling husband (that almost NEVER happens...) or when he is frustrated with me (again, that almost NEVER happens...), when I am praying for patience with my 20-month old, when I need uplifting or prayers, you will (hopefully) read about it.

2.  Tell my husband DAILY how much I love and appreciate him.  I thank God for him and Harper everyday, but do I actually tell Justin that?  I want him to know that my life wouldn't be the same without him.  I want him to know that he was brought into my life for a reason.  He made me believe in love again.  Enough of the mushy.

3.  Take more pictures.  Impossible, right?  But seeing as this is one of my biggest goals for this year (ahem... become a photographer), I need to constantly strive to get better!  I ask God daily for the strength and perserverance to achieve this.  Does anyone want pictures taken??  I need the practice :)  Seriously.

4.  Be a better wife/mom/sister/daughter/friend.

5.  Workout  he he

6.  Cook more.  On the weekends anyway.

7.  Learn Photoshop.

I think that's a good start!

We got back from Red River last weekend, and I promise to have some pictures posted soon.  I do have one prayer request - I have my first session tomorrow.  I am nervous because I want to do a great job.  Now I do need to tell you that it is for my sister-in-law Britt and her family, but it is my first official one!  So, please pray for peace for me.  And confidence.

P.S.  Justin got me my pink Kelly Moore bag!!!  Yay and yay.


Hulsey Fam said...

so wish I lived by you I want pics badly:)

Erin Woolsey said...

aww great goals! i love your workout-scratched out part. and you got the new kelly moore bag?!!! that is fantastic. i'm still debating whether or not i should just do it :D

make sure to do a post whenever it arrives!