Thursday, April 17, 2008

Nothing Much

I had another checkup with Dr. Robbins on Tuesday - I started my weekly appointments this week. 36 weeks and counting! She said I am 1-2 cm dilated and 70% effaced. Yay me! Let's hope this keeps up. She told me that we could have a baby a week earlier than our May 14 due date! I really hope so. Please keep us in your prayers! Last night Blair, David, Justin, and I had our first lamaze/childbirth class. Nothing too exciting, but I think it will get better. The last class is on May 14 ( Blair and I procrastinated a little bit...) so let's hope that we all get some good info before our babies come! (Or those of us who aren't labor and delivery nurses, anyway!) Something pointless - last night when J and I got home, I had elephant ankles. No kidding. I am so tired. And ready.

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